R Infix Function

In this tutorial you will learn about the R Infix Function and its application with practical example.

R Infix Function

In R, generally functions are prefix, where function name comes before the argument list enclosed in parentheses, for example – fun(a,b). But with infix functions, the function name comes in between its arguments. For example, operators like + and – are actually infix functions, in fact these operators do a function call in the background. For instance, the expression

is actually converted its infix equivalent as


Infix operators in R

Following is a list of predefined infix operators available in R –

Infix operators in R
%% Remainder operator
%/% Integer division
%*% Matrix multiplication
%o% Outer product
%x% Kronecker product
%in% Matching operator

User defined infix operator

In R, a user-defined infix operator can be created as following –


here, func_name is replaced with actual function name enclosed between percent sign(%). As percent sign(%) is a special character, you need to use it inside back ticks. Once an infix function is defined later it can invoked as following –





In this tutorial we have learn about the R Infix Function and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.