Laravel 8 Angular Token Based Authentication with JWT

In this tutorial you will learn about the Laravel 8 Angular Token Based Authentication with JWT and its application with practical example.

In this Laravel 8 Angular Token Based Authentication with JWT Tutorial I’ll show you how to create REST API with secure jwt token based authentication in Laravel 8 Angular application using JWT (JSON Web Token) . In this tutorial you will learn to create laravel rest api with token based authentication in laravel angular application. In this article, we will learn to create fully functional restful API with JWT Authentication in Laravel 8 angular application. We will also learn to create login and registration api using jwt authentication in laravel 8. In this example I will guide you through how to create fully functional restful API with JWT Authentication in Laravel 8 for laravel and angular application.

In laravel token based authentication provides secure user authentication system. Token based authentication restrain unauthenticated user from accessing the application. In this example we will be using JWT (JSON Web Token) token based authentication integrated with laravel application. In this example I’ll also show you how to install jwt auth and configure jwt auth in laravel 8.

Laravel 8 Angular Token Based Authentication with JWT

  1. Clone Laravel JWT Auth Repo
  2. Install and Configure Angular
  3. Create CORS Middleware
  4. Consume Angular Service
  5. Set JWT Token with Http Interceptor
  6. Angular User Registration Component
  7. Angular User Login Component
  8. Angular User Profile Component
  9. Angular User Lgout Component

Laravel and Angular Project Structure

Create new project directory using following command:

and this folder will have backend (Laravel API) and frontend (Angular) folders inside it.

Create Laravel JWT Authentication REST API

In this step we will clone the Laravel JWT Auth REST API project, switch to backend folder inside your project folder using following command:

Now we will download the project from GitHub repo link, then unzip all the files inside the backend folder:

Now, run the following commands to install required dependencies for node and composer for your laravel auth project:

Start the project using following command:

Now project will be started at

Use above link as base URL for accessing following api

Method Endpoint
POST /api/auth/register
POST /api/auth/login
GET /api/auth/user-profile
POST /api/auth/refresh
POST /api/auth/logout

Install and Configure Angular

In this step you need to switch into the frontend folder and install Angular application using following command:

Next, we will create following angular components for user authentication system.

Now we will be installing bootstrap framework to design authentication forms.

Open angular.json file and define the bootstrap CSS path as following:

We are ready to start angular app, run the following command to start angular application:

Adding up HttpClient

Lets import Http client module inside the app.module.ts file. The Http client module will handle the HTTP requests,

Insert Reactive Form Service

As we will be using ReactiveFormsModule and FormsModule. Lets Import and inject both the APIs in app.module.ts file.

Create CORS Middleware

In this step we will create a CORS middleware, this will enable us to share resources between two different domain/ports. Our backend is running on PORT:8000 and frontend running on PORT:4200. Switch to “backend” folder and run the following command:

Open app/Http/Middleware/CORS.php file and set the Acess-Control-Allow-Origin headers as following.

Open app/Http/Kernel.php file and add the define the “guest” CORS middleware inside the $routeMiddleware array.

Now, restart the backend application using following commnad:

Consume Laravel REST API with Angular Service

In this step we will generate a Angular service file using following command:

Now, open shared/auth.service.ts file and put the following code in it.

Now we will be create a angular service to validate & configure laravel JWT Token in Angular application. Run the following command to generate service file:

Lets open shared/token.service.ts file and put the following code in it.

Create Authentication State to Multiple Components

Now we will create auth state that can be accessed in components. Use the following command to create auth state:

Open shared/auth-state.service.ts file and put the following code in it.

Set Token in Header with HttpInterceptor

In this step we will set auth token in Header using HttpInterceptor class. Lets create  shared/auth.interceptor.ts inside the frontend folder and place the following code in it.

Put the following code in the app.module.ts file.

Angular User Registration Component

In this step we will setup angular register component, this will register a user using Laravel signup REST API in angular application. Lets open signup.component.ts file and put the following code in it.

Open signup.component.html file and insert the following code.

Angular User Login Component

In this step we will setup angular user login component, this will login user securly consuming Laravel login REST API in angular application. Lets open signin.component.ts file and put the following code in it.

Open signin.component.html file and include the given below code.

Angular User Profile Component

In this step we will setup angular user profile component, this will display user profile consuming Laravel user profile REST API in angular application. Lets open user-profile.component.ts file and put the following code in it.

Open user-profile.component.html file and incorporate the following code within.

Angular User Logout Component

In this step we will setup angular user logout functionality component, this will logout user consuming Laravel user logout REST API in angular application.

In this step you will create user logout functionality consuming Laravel user logout REST API in angular application. Lets open app.component.ts file and put the following code in it.

Open app.component.html file and insert the following code.

Start The Laravel App

Now we are ready to run our example so lets start the laravel development server using following artisan command –

Start The Angular App

Open another terminal,switch into frontend directory and start the angular development server using following command –

In this tutorial we have learn about the Laravel 8 Angular Token Based Authentication with JWT and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.