Dart String

In this tutorial you will learn about the Dart String and its application with practical example.

Dart String

A string variable is used to hold series or sequence of characters – letters, numbers, and special characters. In Dart, string can be represented either using single quotes or double quotes. In Dart, strings can be declared using the String keyword.

Printing String

In Dart, the print() function is used to print the formatted message to the screen, or other standard output device. The message can be a string, any other object, or any expression, the object and expression will be converted into a string before written to the screen.



String Concatenation

In Dart, strings can be concatenated simply using the plus (‘+’) operator or the += assignment operator.



String Interpolation

String interpolation is the process of evaluating a string containing placeholders, variables and interpolated expressions. When an interpolated string is evaluated the placeholders, variables and expressions are replaced with their corresponding values. In Dart, ${expression} is used for string interpolation.



String Properties

Below is a list of properties supported by Dart Strings.

Property Description
codeUnits Returns an unmodifiable list of the UTF-16 code units of this string.
isEmpty Returns true if this string is empty.
Length Returns the length of the string including space, tab and newline characters.

String Methods

Below is a list of commonly used methods supported by Dart Strings.

Method Description
toLowerCase() Converts all characters in this string to lower case.
toUpperCase() Converts all characters in this string to upper case.
trim() Returns the string without any leading and trailing whitespace.
compareTo() Compares this object to another.
replaceAll() Replaces all substrings that match the specified pattern with a given value.
split() Splits the string at matches of the specified delimiter and returns a list of substrings.
substring() Returns the substring of this string that extends from startIndex, inclusive, to endIndex, exclusive.
toString() Returns a string representation of this object.
codeUnitAt() Returns the 16-bit UTF-16 code unit at the given index.

In this tutorial we have learn about the Dart String and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.