Java Literals

In this tutorial you will learn about the Java Literals and its application with practical example.

Java Literals

Literals are used to express certain fixed values within the source code of the program. They are used to represent a value directly in the code without any computation. Java literals can be assigned to any primitive type variable.



boolean:- is a data type.

flg:- – is variable

false:- is literal.

In Java, literals can be used to represent the value of an integer, floating-point number, or string type. Here are some valid literals examples –

In Java, literals can be of following types –

Integer Literals

Integer literals are used to represent a decimal, binary, or hexadecimal value. Integer literals are used to initialize variables of integer data types byte, short, int, and long. Integer literal that ends with l or L is of type long. In Java, a binary literals starts with 0b, and hexadecimal literal starts with 0x, and the rest of every integer literal is a decimal literal.


Floating-point Literals

A floating-point literal is used to represent the value for a float and double variable or constants. A decimal floating-point literal is composed of a sequence of decimal digits followed by either a decimal fraction, a decimal exponent, or both. If a floating-point literal ends with f or F, it’s of type float. Otherwise, it’s of type double. A double type can optionally end with D or d. They can also be expressed in scientific notation using E or e.

String & Character literals

String literals are represented as a sequence of characters surrounded by double quotes and a character literal is represented as a single character surrounded by single quotes. Java also allows the use of escape sequences in string and character literals. For example, \b (backspace), \t (tab), \n (line feed), \f (form feed), \r (carriage return), \” (double quote), \’ (single quote), and \\ (backslash).


Here, ‘A’ is a character literal, and “W3Adda Java Tutorial” is a string literal.

Boolean Literals

Boolean literals are used to represent true and false value.


Here, true is a boolean literal which is assigned to the variable flg.

In this tutorial we have learn about the Java Literals and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.