Future Continuous Tense

In this tutorial you will learn about the Future Continuous Tense and its application with practical example.

                                                                        Future Continuous Tense

In this tutorial, we will learn about  Future Continuous Tenses


Before starting with this tutorial we assume that you are best aware of the following  topics:

  • Nouns.
  • Pronouns.
  • Verbs.
  • Adjectives.
  • Adverbs.
  • Prepositions.
  • Conjunctions.
  • Interjections.

Future Continuous Tense refers to:

  1. An action that has not started yet but it will: Our plan will be working this time.
  2. An action which we think that will keep going on in future: This tree will be giving fruits.
  3. An action which is predicted for future and which will continue for a period of time: Our team will be performing well in this series.


S              +             WILL/SHALL       +             BE           +             V+ing    +             O.

I                            shall                                       be                          earning                 a lot of money.
We                        shall                                       be                          earning                 a lot of money.
You                       will                                         be                          earning                 a lot of money.
They                     will                                         be                          earning                 a lot of money.
Boys                     will                                         be                          earning                 a lot of money.
He                         will                                         be                          earning                 a lot of money.
She                       will                                         be                          earning                 a lot of money.
It                            will                                         be                          earning                 a lot of money.

S              +         WON’T/SHAN’T          +        BE           +        V+ing    +            O.

I                             shan’t                       be                           earning                 a lot of money.
We                        shan’t                       be                           earning                 a lot of money.
You                       won’t                        be                           earning                 a lot of money.
They                     won’t                        be                           earning                 a lot of money.
Boys                     won’t                        be                           earning                 a lot of money.
He                         won’t                        be                           earning                 a lot of money.
She                       won’t                        be                           earning                 a lot of money.
It                            won’t                       be                           earning                 a lot of money.

WILL/SHALL       +             S              +             BE           +             V+ing    +             O.?

Shall                                      I                              be                          earning                 a lot of money?
Shall                                      we                          be                          earning                 a lot of money?
Will                                        you                        be                          earning                 a lot of money?
Will                                        they                       be                          earning                 a lot of money?
Will                                        he                          be                           earning                 a lot of money?
Will                                        she                        be                          earning                 a lot of money?
Will                                        it                            be                           earning                 a lot of money?
Will                                        Ravi                       be                           earning                 a lot of money?

WION’T/SHAN’T              +             S              +             BE           +             V+ing    +             O.?

Shan’t                                  I                            be                          earning                 a lot of money?
Shan’t                                  we                        be                          earning                 a lot of money?
Won’t                                  you                       be                          earning                 a lot of money?
Won’t                                  they                      be                          earning                 a lot of money?
Won’t                                  he                         be                          earning                 a lot of money?
Won’t                                  she                       be                          earning                 a lot of money?
Won’t                                  it                           be                          earning                 a lot of money?
Won’t                                  Ravi                      be                          earning                 a lot of money?


  1. I, we –              shall
  2. Other subjects – will

NOTE: According to modern English rule, we can use WILL with I and WE also. It means if we do not use SHALL, it would not be considered as a grammatical mistakes.

In this tutorial we have learn about the Future Continuous Tense and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.