How to Create Custom 404 Page in Laravel 8

In this tutorial you will learn about the How to Create Custom 404 Page in Laravel 8 and its application with practical example.

n this How to Create Custom 404 Page in Laravel 8 tutorial I’ll show you how to create custom 404 error page in laravel. In this tutorial you will learn to create custom error page in laravel 8. In this step by step tutorial I’ll demonstrate the process to create custom 404 error page in laravel 8.

How to Create Custom 404 Page in Laravel 8

In this tutorial we will be creating custom error page for 404 error. Please Follow the instruction given below to create custom 404, 500 error pages in laravel:

Create New Laravel Project

First of all we need to create a fresh laravel project, download and install Laravel 8 using the below command

Create Custom 404 Error Page

In this step we will be creating custom 404 error page. Lets go to resources/views directory and create a folder named errors. Then inside the errors folder, we will create a file called 404.blade.php.


To test out the 404 custom error template, you need to start the application.

Go to a wrong URL in the browser’s address bar.

Similarly you can create rest of the error handling blade views for 403, 500, 419, 255 and 405 exceptions.

In this tutorial we have learn about the How to Create Custom 404 Page in Laravel 8 and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.