Dart Numbers

In this tutorial you will learn about the Dart Numbers and its application with practical example.

Dart Numbers

The Number data type is used to hold the numeric values. Dart supports following numerical data types –

  • Dart Integer
  • Dart Double

Dart Integer:- Dart Integers are used to store whole numbers. Dart integer data type is used to represent 64 bit non-decimal number between -263 to 263 – 1. An integer can be used to store either signed and unsigned integer value. Integers can be declared using int keyword.

Dart Double :- Dart double is used to represent a 64-bit (double-precision) floating-point numbers or numbers with larger decimal points. Double can be declared using double keyword.



Rules for integers:-

  • An integer must have at least one digit
  • Integers are numbers without a decimal point
  • An integer can be either positive or negative
  • Integer values no larger than 64 bits, depending on the platform.

Dart parse() function

The Dart parse() function converts a numeric string into a number.



The parse() function throws a FormatException if it is passed any value other than numerals.

Number Properties

Below is a list of properties supported by Dart numbers.

Property Description
hashcode It Returns a hash code for a numerical value provided.
isFinite It returns True if the number is finite; otherwise, false.
isInfinite It returns True if the number is positive infinity or negative infinity; otherwise, false.
isNan It returns True if the number is a Not-a-Number value; otherwise, false.
isNegative It returns True if the number is negative; otherwise, false.
sign It returns minus one, zero or plus one depending on the sign and numerical value of the number.
isEven It returns true if the number is an even number.
isOdd It returns true if the number is an odd number.

Number Methods

Below is a list of commonly used methods supported by Dart numbers.

Method Description
abs It returns the absolute value of the given number.
ceil It returns the least integer no smaller than the number.
Floor It returns the greatest integer not greater than the given number.
compareTo It is used to compare the with other number.
remainder It returns the truncated remainder after dividing the two numbers.
Round It returns the integer closest to the current numbers.
toDouble It returns the double equivalent of the number.
toInt It returns the integer equivalent of the number.
toString It returns the string equivalent representation of the number.
truncate It returns an integer after discarding any fractional digits.

In this tutorial we have learn about the Dart Numbers and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.