AngularJS Features

In this tutorial you will learn about the AngularJS Features and its application with practical example.

AngularJS Features

Modules:- AngularJS modules allows you to divide your application into functional modules, so that it is easy to manage and reuse applications code.

Table Of Contents

Directives:- AngularJS extends HTML Elements with new attributes are known as “Directives”. AngularJS directives are used to extend or manipulate the traditional HTML Element’s functionality and behavior. Some of the inbuilt AngularJS directives are ng-app, ng-controller, ng-repeat, ng-model etc. In AngularJS, you can also create your own custom directive.

Templates:- AngularJS templates are used to render application pages, containing information passed from the model and controller.

Scope:- Scope is a built-in object that refers to the application model. It acts as a context for evaluating expressions. It acts as a glue between controller and view. It transfers data from the controller to view and vice-versa.

Expressions:- AngularJS Expressions are code snippets, usually placed inside two curly braces such as {{ expression }}, these expressions are used to bind application data to HTML elements. AngularJS expressions are evaluated to display information. AngularJS expressions can not be used for control flow statements(conditionals, loops, or exceptions).

Data Binding:- AngularJS operates on two way data-binding paradigm which provides automatic synchronization between model and views. In data-binding model changes propagate to the view, and view changes are instantly reflected back to the model.

MVW (Model, View & Whatever):- AngularJS is a MVC framework, but it does not implement MVC in the traditional way, but rather something closer to MVVM Model-View-ViewModel).

Validations:- AngularJS comes with built-in form validation directives that allows you to easily apply validation on form inputs. AngularJS
also allows you to create your own custom validations.
Filters:- Angularjs Filters are meant to filter and format application data before it is being displayed to the user.
Services:- Services are singleton objects available across your application, are used to organize and share code across your app. AngularJS provides several built-in services such as $http, $provide, $resource,$window,$parse, etc. You can also create your own services.Services can be injected into controllers, filters, directives.

Routing:- AngularJS Routing allows you to switch between different sections or view of application without page reload. It is the feature that facilitate SPA(Single page application) development.
Dependency Injection:- Dependency Injection is a design pattern in which an object is given its dependencies instead of creating itself.
Testing:- AngularJS applications are testable, it supports both unit testing and integration testing.

In this tutorial we have learn about the AngularJS Features and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.