C Program to Print Hollow Square Pattern With Diagonals

In this tutorial you will learn about the C Program to Print Hollow Square Pattern With Diagonals and its application with practical example.

C Program to Print Hollow Square Star Pattern

In this tutorial, we will learn to create a C program that will print a hollow Square Star Pattern in C programming.


Before starting with this tutorial, we assume that you are the best aware of the following C programming topics:

  • Operators in C Programming.
  • Basic Input and Output function in C Programming.
  • Basic C programming.
  • For loop in C programming.

What is a Hollow Square with a diagonal?

The hollow square is a square. Made in the c programming language. The hollow square has only four borderlines of the square. It is not filled from the inner section. The diagonal is the line that is drawn from one interior angle to another interior angle. There are two diagonals.


Program description Printing a Hollow Square Star Pattern:-

In this program, we will first take the input size of the side of the square. Then we will use nested for loops for the program to print the hollow square and the diagonals for the square. We will print the borders only for the shape.  So that we can create a hollow shape. At last, the loop will print the square and the diagonal row by row.

The below is an example of the hollow Square Star Pattern program code.

Program Code:-



In the above program, we have last initialized the required variable.

  • rw = it will hold the integer value.
  • j = it will hold the integer value.
  • i = it will hold the integer value.

Input the number of rows for the pattern.

Logic Code to make the pattern on the screen.

Printing output hollow Square Star Pattern using c programming.

In this tutorial we have learn about the C Program to Print Hollow Square Pattern With Diagonals and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.