Laravel class ‘memcached’ not found

In this tutorial you will learn about the Laravel class ‘memcached’ not found and its application with practical example.

I have onfigured memcached as driver but I am getting following error “laravel class ‘memcached’ not found”. So, I have figured out a solution to share with you.

Table Of Contents

In this tutorial laravel class ‘memcached’ not found, I’ll show you how to fix the laravel class ‘memcached’ not found error.

Install Memcached in Server

in this step we will install memcached in ubuntu server and php extension for it.

Install Memcached Extension

Now, you need to install php extension for memcached. Please verify it’s version with your php version.

I hope this will fix the laravel class ‘memcached’ not found error.

In this tutorial we have learn about the Laravel class ‘memcached’ not found and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.