Laravel 8 Telescope Example Tutorial

In this tutorial you will learn about the Laravel 8 Telescope Example Tutorial and its application with practical example.

In this Laravel 8 Telescope Example Tutorial I will show you how to install and configure telescope in laravel 8. In this tutorial you will learn to install and use telescope in laravel 8. Laravel Telescope can be used to debug requests, exceptions, databases, cache, and much more in real-time by accessing a specific route in your local or production environment in laravel 8 project.

Laravel 8 Telescope Example Tutorial

In this step by step Laravel 8 Telescope Example Tutorial you will learn to install, configure and use telescope in laravel 8. Please follow instruction given below:

Step 1 – Install Telescope

In this step you are required to switch to project directory and then run the following command to install telescope in laravel 8 app:

If you want to use telescope in local environment, so you can use the below command:

Step 2 – Migrate Tables

Now, run following command to migrate database schema.

Step 3 – Configure Telescope

Now we need to configure Telescope, please follow instruction

After that, open AppServiceProvider.php file, which is located inside app/providers directory and add the following lines of code into register() method:

Step 4 – Configure Dashboard Authorization

Telescope exposes a dashboard at /telescope. You can access this dashboard in the local environment. Go to app/Providers/TelescopeServiceProvider.php file, there is a gate method. This authorization gate controls access to Telescope in non-local environments. From here you can modify this gate as needed to restrict access to your Telescope installation:

Step 5 – Start Development Server

Now we are ready to run our example so lets start the development server using following artisan command –

Step 6 – Test Laravel Telescope

Now, open the following URL in browser to see the output –

In this tutorial we have learn about the Laravel 8 Telescope Example Tutorial and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.