C++ Functions with No Arguments and No return value

In this tutorial you will learn about the C++ Functions with No Arguments and No return value and its application with practical example.

C++ Functions with No Arguments and No return value

In this tutorial, we will learn to create a C++ program that will use Functions with No Arguments and No return value using C++ programming.


Before starting with this tutorial we assume that you are best aware of the following C++ programming topics:

  • Operators in C++ Programming.
  • Basic Input and Output function in C++ Programming.
  • Basic C++ programming.
  • Arithmetic operations in C++ Programming.
  • Functions in C++ programming.

What are functions in C++?

In every programming language, there are many types of functions available. There are two major types of functions in C++ programming.

  1. Predefined functions.
  2. User-defined functions.

In user-defined functions there are four types:-

  • Function with no argument and no return value
  • Function with no argument but the return value
  • User-defined Function with argument but no return value
  • User-defined Function with argument and return value



Program using Functions with No Arguments and No return value.

In this program, we will create a function that will print the symbols using a user-defined function with no return type and no arguments. With the help of this program, we can print the “*” of the above function type.

Program Code:-


Creating the user-defined function with no arguments and no return type.

Body of the user-defined function.

Calling the user-defined function.

Body of the main function of the program.

In this tutorial we have learn about the C++ Functions with No Arguments and No return value and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.